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Regulator Piston Assembly
Regulator Piston Assembly

Price: $20.00

Product Code: 000684

The Regulator Piston comes as an assembly. DO NOT take this apart. It has a built in blow-off valve that will leak air if your marker becomes over pressurized. The blow-off resets once your pressure goes back to normal. This safety feature is found exclusively in AGD markers. Replace the entire assembly if your marker is shooting at normal speeds and it still leaks out the back.

This part has been set to the stock higher pressure for the Level 10 bolt kit.  Despite what the "dude" on Facebook tells you this is not a user serviceable part.  These are a factory set safety device.   Once the until is tampered with or taken apart, it will no longer function as intended, period.  "Flipping the seat" to fix it, is disabling the device and makes it a dead hunk of brass with an oring. Disabling makes your gun capable of very unsafe overpressurization.