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Bolt - Foamieless
Bolt - Foamieless
Price: $35.00

Status:(Out of Stock)

Product Code: 000802

Bolts from AGD are made from hardened stainless for extra long life. They come in two types:
1. Foamieless (shown here) - all stainless construction including the tip that pushes on the paintball. Get this one if you don't want to fool around with replacing stuff.
2. Foamie - a small foam rubber cushion is glued to the front of the bolt to softly push your paintballs into the barrel.  Good if you play a lot in cold weather. The foamies do wear off and need to be replaced with superglue.
The Level 10 Bolt, not shown here, is a different product.  The Level 10 is for people who want the highest level of performance and the smoothest shooting marker possible. This bolt is about half the weight of the normal all stainless bolt shown here.